Picture of me

Hi! I'm Nick!

I’m a travelling developer in search of problems to fix. I like to use my wide range of skills to build products that are stable, run fast, and are easy to maintain

What do I do?

I’m primarily a backend developer with a wide range of skills. I’m an expert in all things Python, but dabble in all range of languages to make sure I’m up to date on the latest trends. I like to focus on software engineering and project management, to give developers clear goals and allow customers to understand what they’re paying for.

What am I interested in?




Machine Learning


Guitar Hero Clone


Aug 2021 - NowFull time

Worked on the outbound email team, who's product stops people from accidentally sending emails to the wrong people.

  • Working on scaling from 20M emails processed per day to 1B emails per day.
  • Significantly improved codebase by adding hundreds of python types to our projects.
Software EngineeringPythonDatabasesAWS
Engineers Gate
Summer 2020Internship

Worked on integrating new data streams and improving internal tools.

  • Sped up data aquisition 3x by switching to asynchronous downloading techniques.
  • Implemented ingestion of new data streams.
Data EngineeringPython
JJC Fintech
Summer 2019Contract work

Built a scalable web-scraping solution to harvest data from company registries.

  • Sped up data retreival from third-parties 5x by streamlining and optimising web-scraping techniques.
  • Re-wrote legacy code to be cleaner and more performant.
  • Re-designed the software architecture to allow for scaling.
Software EngineeringWeb-scrapingPythonAWSDjango
Dun & Bradstreet
Summer 2018Internship

Helped move to cloud solutions and run training for employees.
